Thursday, December 24, 2015

A DJB Holiday Reflection

I wanted to take a minute to say that this holiday season I'm grateful for the wonderful communities that make me who I am.

*West Springfield, MA - I make fun but you're my roots. Sending love to my family and friends from WSHS, the Crest Room, the Majestic Theater, Collins Tavern, The White Hut and the Big E. My comedy career was born, believe it or not, in the kitchen of the Crest Room. I was probably picking chicken.

*Westfield, MA - You're literally my family. It doesn't get old playing the "Which Bein is your dad" game. It's an honor when someone recognizes me because I look like my dad (Darren) or my Uncle Joe.

*Boston College - You were my clean slate and my connection to Boston and . I became confident, proud, opinionated, passionate and me on your beautiful campus. I met some of my best friends in Chestnut Hill. I also met my future comedy community.

*ImprovBoston - You believed in me (Will). You gave me a stage and opportunity after opportunity after opportunity. (Elyse, Don, Zach, Deana, Mike, Tom) Sometimes, I walk by on my way to get coffee and I just tear up out of sheer gratitude. The way that you've built me and supported me through my ups and downs is a debt I'm afraid I can't repay. It won't stop me from trying. No matter what people say about you, I will proudly represent you until I no longer represent the world. I would take a bullet for this community. (Sometimes, I'm surprised I haven't yet.)

*The Boston Stand Up Comedy Scene- No matter what you think - some of the funniest, most bad ass, unique and intelligently wonderful people perform comedy in this broken, misanthropic, strange, tough-loving, shit-talking city. To perform here makes you better at comedy, at taking criticism, at finding your voice and at knowing why you shouldn't do improv. (Do it anyways.)

*Inman Square - You are my home. For almost 16 years, I've bounced in and out of your bars, your restaurants, your banks, and your KFC/Taco Bell. (RIP)
I don't think there's anywhere I feel more me. With a coffee from 1369, an Atomic Meatloaf Meltdown from All Star, a mug of Banner American Ale from Bukowski (#89) and a sad bank statement from East Cambridge Savings, I am me.

*Boston Pedicab - You are the freakiest, most unfit for society, hug-worthy, twisted conglomerate from all walks of life. To ride a pedicab in Boston, is to understand humanity on a level that most cannot for the better and the worse.
You saved me when I was at my lowest, you built my body, my mind and my bank and you reinvigorated my desire to try new things, to follow my passions, to find people who are nothing like me and seek out conversations with those people. That, my friends, is what life is all about. Sharing light.

*Tristan Tash - brother, you have no idea. Actually, you probably do.
At times, you've been my spine, my heart, my health and my pride. You are a rock. In the rare moments when I forget how lucky I am, I close my eyes and we're in my mind we're walking and laughing and it's better than literally anything else I can imagine doing. You should teach a master class in friendship. Everyone should be so lucky.

*Mom - You're crazy but not for the reasons you might assume. You're crazy for being strong enough to bring two children into the world as a child yourself and raise them through tumultuous wildfires. You're crazy for working multiples jobs in order to make sure your kids eat, dress, grow, stay warm, read, respect and love. You're crazy for putting up with all of the things I say on stage. And not just putting up with it. You're crazy for coming to those shows, paying a ticket price, laughing your ass off and then letting me crash at your place afterwards. You're crazy for supporting your son's absurd, impoverished lifestyle. You're crazy for thinking for even a second that you didn't do a good job as a parent because things were / are sometimes messy. You're crazy for doing your best to get to know the women I bring into my life even whether or not you think they'll be around for a while. You're crazy for being the most bad ass, partying, connected, silly and fun person while somehow still being my mom. You're crazy for having my back time after time no matter how much money I owe you or how "selfish" I am. You're crazy because you're not crazy, you're mom. I love you. Thank you.

I could write a testimonial about any one of you in my life.
I've probably already done it in my head.
My heart gets bigger every fucking day.
It's filled with joy, passion, gratitude and inspiration.
I say it almost every day. I'm never gonna stop.
I've got your backs.
If you're down, if you need a push, if you're in a creative rut, if you need a friend, if you need a drink, if you need a hug, if you need a laugh....
I will never not want to be that guy for you. Are you reading this? Yes, you.
We're a reflection of the people in our lives.
If you respect me, admire me, like me or love me, reread this post and thank the communities and people that make them up.
I'm just a reflection of these beautiful, thoughtful and ridiculous people.
I love you.
Happy holidays, friends.
Be safe. Love yourself, take care of each other and follow your fucking dreams.

Friday, December 11, 2015

100 First Jokes V - 1/1/16 - ImprovBoston - The Scoop

100 First Jokes V: 1/1/16 - ImprovBoston - Cambridge, MA

I'm excited to hear comedians buzzing about the fifth annual installment of our stand up comedy party. 

In said party, all comedians involved will tell their first brand new joke of 2016 in front of a resolution heavy crowd at ImprovBoston. 

For comedians:
I'll be reaching out to the 200, yes, 200 comedians I've personally selected for 100 First Jokes V in the next week or so. 

I will not be taking walk-ins this year. This show is the most rewarding show to produce, but it's also the most exhausting. Ever booked or produced a showcase with 10 comics? You get it. Never have? You don't. Every year, producing this show is a wild, exciting and chaotic process and I've got it down to a science. I'm trying to make the shows as inclusive as possible without 75 comedians walking in on the night of the show hoping for stage time. 

Chances are that if you've done the show before or you want to do the show, you're already on my list. 
If you'd like to help out producing, organizing or wrangling, email me at 
If you have any questions, I guess I can answer those by email as well.

For fans of comedy:
The shows are at 7:30PM and 9:30PM. There will be roughly 100 Boston area comedians on each show. That's right, 100. They each get less than 2 minutes to show us what they've written in the last 20 hours.
It's an absolute joy to watch the birth of a joke. It's not as messy as real birth. (most of the time) Some of the jokes are wonderful; some of them - not so much. All of the comedians on the show will put their bravery and vulnerability on display to kick off the new year. If you've never been to 100 First Jokes, you've got to see it. Feel free to email me if you have questions. ( 

Tickets are available here:

Love you guys. 
- DJB 
(Dana Jay Bein)

Friday, December 4, 2015

Ask People Out. (Reblog by DJB)

Single folk. 

If you're tired of being single, do yourself a favor. 

Ask people out. Just do it. 

Guys and girls alike, ask people out. Don't wait. Don't hesitate. Don't overthink it. 

Stop putting people on pedestals. No one is too good for you. No one. There are no leagues.

The more you ask people out, the more you'll realize that it's not a big deal. And, you might be surprised by the results.

People like to know that people are interested in them even if the feeling isn't mutual. It's flattering.
(If you're not creepy about it.)

Just be yourself. Talk to people. Ask them out. 
If (and when) someone says no, it might have nothing to do with you. Just roll with it. It doesn't matter.

Rejection only exists if you put people on a pedestal, if you build up hope or expectations. 
If you embrace that you're OK with either yes or no for an answer, you'll undo some of the nervousness that comes with asking. 

Try it. No, do it. You'll be happy that you did.